Yes, social media has TONS of negative aspects and given that you are aware of the elements I’m referring to, I will not get into any details and waste our time. However, I do believe, that sometimes, SM (Social Media … remember, my love for acronyms?) surprises you too!
When I ran Isly Handbags, a trillion years ago, I came across a jewelry account on Instagram and fell in love with all the pieces that were featured on that feed. I reached out to the gal running it, we exchanged DMs, I bought her stuff, she bought mine … yaddy, yaddy, yadda … and @SweetMiaJewels and I have been the BESTEST of friends for over six years:) Now, I’m not suggesting that you go around finding best friends via Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat, but I think, you get my point.
In a similar vein, about six months ago, I was scrolling through my IG feed and came across a very chic handbag, with the words “SALUT” written across the front of the bag. It really caught my eye, so I decided to explore more. Sure enough, I had landed on the feed of a very, very cool handbag brand. Upon further investigation, I discovered that the brand, Michino Paris, was founded by Yasu Michino in Paris in 2014.
Yasu’s first job was at Yves Saint Laurent, followed by five years at Givenchy, three years at Delvaux and then two years at Nina Ricci. In 2012, he met Kanye West, who became his first client and ordered 50 bags for Yeezy. Currently, besides running Michino Paris, Yasu continues to work with prestigious French maisons like Cartier and more (names I’m not at liberty to disclose … but I wish I could:) as a consultant, specialized in leather goods.
After falling in love with his handbags, I reached out to Yasu … you guessed it … via Instagram. We started a dialogue and decided to meet up the next time I would be in Paris. So, in October ‘19, as Paris Fashion Week was winding down, we set up a meeting (I even posted about it on my IG feed as I was walking from my hotel to his office) and I arrived at his studio that morning. To say that I fell in love with Yasu’s drive, design sensibility and deep passion for his company, would be an understatement.
Needless to say, we had an immediate connection and as a result, struck up a great friendship. We chatted for over an hour and then proceeded to conduct an impromptu photoshoot with some of the bags that were present at his studio at the time. We both decided to collaborate: a) Because, I just had to - that’s how much I love these bags and b) So, I could show-off his work to all of you as well and spread the love!!
Soon after, I left Yasu’s studio, since I was meeting my girlfriends for lunch and had to pack as I was returning to San Francisco in a couple days. Yes, oddly, I start packing, at least, a couple of days, if not more, before I leave a hotel - so I had to get organized!! That evening, upon my return to the hotel, I found a package that the concierge had left in my room. It was the most exquisite Michino handbag! A handbag, that I’ve been waiting to carry in SF but have held off, since I wanted to finish this blog post before I paraded it around!
Of course, the bag itself is beyond beautiful (as are all of the Michino designs) but what I found equally lovely was a card that accompanied my bag. I saved the card so I could share the writing on the card with you. This is what it said:
With my friend, Yasu Michino!
So, I hope you’ll explore my talented friend’s website at and along the way adopt the mantra, Make Life A Bag Full Of Surprises, much like I’m doing these days!!
Thank you for visiting & reading my blog post! In case, we don’t connect again before the holidays, wishing you all a very Happy New Year. Lots and lots of love from the stirrer;)