Shake, Sparkle, Stir with Sobia Shaikh (with special thanks to Beauty And Well-Being)
Recently, I was interviewed by the über chic and divine author/editor, Clémence von Mueffling, for her beauty and wellness website, Many thanks to my lovely friend, Katie, for this wonderful introduction! I know, we often talk about women inspiring women but at this stage in my life (50, in case you need a reminder), friendships with my girlfriends mean the WORLD to me. Not that this wasn’t the case earlier, but in recent years, I have developed a renewed recognition and sense of appreciation for how uplifting it is to be surrounded by solid, sincere, loyal and strong women. And, as the social limitations imposed by this quarantine persist, I find myself getting to know deeper aspects of my friends’ lives. How? Because, we actually call each other and talk on the phone now as opposed to just texting:) Anyhow, I didn’t mean to deviate from the original reason I’m writing this blog but just wanted to take a moment to share my current (and happy) state of mind with you!!
In my interview with Clémence, I talk about how I decided to start this blog, how I choose my clients, who is my style icon (my mom), where I like going shopping with Lyali and Isaad (obviously, Nadir doesn’t factor in, as he hates shopping, so I get all his stuff), what are the core values we’ve instilled in our kids (kindness is of the utmost importance) and much more.
Below, I’ve added some excerpts from my chat and subsequent interview with, which I so hope you’ll enjoy reading. If you scroll down, you can click the link to read the entire article. I sincerely hope, that you will sign up to the BWB website and their Instagram too, which is always so refreshing and chic, much like it’s creator! Lastly, I’ve added links to some of the products that I mention in my chat plus some more that I’m currently using. Just click on the product images to see or purchase them!
“When Shaikh took her life to the digital universe, she didn’t expect to build another business. In fact, she called her platform an “anti-blog” because she wasn’t aiming to compete, profit, or impress. Instead, Shaikhen and Stirred began as a space for Shaikh to live her life online as she knew it in reality. But as much as we enjoy Shaikh’s recipe for butter chicken and guide to Paris eateries, so do the brands that have since invested in her online presence. As her list of collaborators has grown to almost 40, Shaikh has officially created one of the most successful anti-blogs we have ever seen. Sit down with us as we take a sip from Shaikh’s style cocktail – one that is always shaken and stirred with surprises.”
“While I never intended to start another business, several brands began reaching out to me for collaborative and promotional posts. I don’t take on clients if I don’t believe in their products, regardless of compensation.”
“I do believe that my mom was my first ever style icon. Although she’s quite religious now and dresses simply, she has always had an innate sense of style. When my parents threw beautiful parties at our home in Karachi, my sisters and I often stared at her as she got ready. Long, beautiful hair twisted into a chic bun.
“My husband, Nadir, and I have instilled respect in them from a very early age. Respect for us as parents, respect for elders, respect for their peers, respect for each other as siblings, and respect for themselves. In addition, kindness is of the utmost value and importance to us.”
Thank you for visiting & reading my blog post! And a HUGE thank you to beautyandwb for including me in your chic magazine and to Teresa Deely for putting it all together so beautifully!
xo, The Stirrer